1. Know your customer. Make as many mind maps , customer journey to purchase, customer personas or look alike in your head and on a piece of paper. Dig out as much info as you can.

2. Have an amazing looking and responsive website that talks about your business and its values. Even if less content, just make it as personable or business like depending on your business.

3. Do some maths and allocate a Media Budget and Invest in Google advertising or Facebook based on your product and goals. Keep in mind your average customer sale, margins, what the competition is doing, discounting, return customers, and come up with some form of budget based on some ballpark conversion rates.

4. Get a CRM. Good ones for a small and medium size biz cost only $15/month. It helps to store leads and automate email and sms

5. Measure and Refine. Measure and Refine. Measure and Refine…keep doing all this …..till you can no longer improve . At that point, it is your optimal benchmark.